AOPA Spain has been working tirelessly in the last few years with the aim that the General Aviation get reasonable rates at those airports of the AENA airports network where handling service is compulsory. Now, we would like to share this experience with all members and supporters of the Royal Aero Club of Spain.
Follow the next six steps to get accompaniment service at prices regulated by AENA. In this way, you will not face budgets with a “surprise” of more than € 900 for services during a weekend for a four seat single engine aircraft.
1. Check the information of the airport in the AIP Spain and verify if handling services are compulsory.
Usually, the information appears on item “20 – Local Regulations”. In case you have any doubt, contact the airport operations office (ARO). Unfortunately, the information concerning airports that appears in the AIP is not standard. In addition, you would need to hire handling services at some airports but there are exceptions depending on days, hours or MTOW.
2. Identify the ramp agents of the airport and their contact details on the AENA website.
Once you have confirmation that the handling services are mandatory at the airport, you have to identify the ramp AGENTS (handling), sometimes wrongly referred to as agents for commercial aviation. These agents are the ones who have the obligation to support every operation when needed, including those operations of General Aviation. Do not hire the services of General Aviation and business agents because they use free-market tariffs and they are not obliged to apply the maximum established by AENA. Sometimes, the contact details of the ramp agents in the AIP are not updated, so the best option would be to check the AENA website. On this website, you will find the list containing the airports and their ramp agents (handling) with their contact details updated.
3. Request a budget to handling agents via email.
Once you have the contact details of the chosen agent, you can send an email requesting a budget for the “accompaniment service on ramp”. Never use another expression or service because it can serve as the basis for adding additional rates. In the email, you should include the aircraft registration, model and MTOW. And, if you have already planned the flight, you should include day and time for your arrival and departure. Regulated costs for this service in 2024 are € 9.16 + VAT for every accompaniment and it can be checked on the AENA website (PRICE GUIDE). Prices appear on item 8.2, paragraph 4, price for Class 4 A.
4. Contact the chosen handling agent as soon as possible and as well the day of the flight in order to notify your arrival.
After receiving the budgets and once you have chosen one of them, it is advisable to contact the person responsible for the service via telephone as soon as possible (and at least 24 hours before flying). It is important to carry with you a copy of the email with the budget and the AENA’s document regarding handling for the General Aviation (see link below) in order to clear up any possible discrepancy. Ramp agents give service to all comercial aviation, so it is recommended to call before taking off in order to give them an approximate arrival time. In this way, the agents will be waiting for us. It is very important not to accept any other service when on platform, only the budgeted service.
When making the flight plan, you must indicate the handling company in the observations box. This way, when sending the flight plan, the operations office at the destination airport will know that we have a handling agent and who it is.
6.Request an invoice for the service provided and if you do not agree with it send us an email.
When reaching the terminal, you should ask for the invoice concerning the accompaniment service for your arrival, and if departure is already planned, ask as well for the invoice concerning the accompaniment service for the departure. Settle the details so that the agent can pick you up on the terminal at the departure time. If the invoice does not correspond to the service hired, you should show the AENA’s document, and if you don’t get a solution by doing it, you should pay the bill and sign it specifying that you do not agree. Then, send a copy of the email requesting the service and the invoice to: